Monday 28 May 2012

Ozzie Hired as Special Teams Assistant

It's been a busy day for yours truly on the Tiger-Cat front. I have continued my daily looks at position groups as we head into training camp and the team had their yearly conference call for members of the media. You can hear the full audio over at the Scratching Post. If you'd rather not listen to the whole thing – it lasts about 35 minutes – Drew Edwards was kind enough to transcribe the points probably of most interest to fans.

The point that interested me the most was the announcement that Paul Osbaldiston has been hired by the team as an assistant special teams coach.

There is no better player to help out the new kickers than Ozzie. Bringing him back, especially this season, is a stroke of genius. He has been there to help whenever asked in the past, serving as a consultant last season, so it is about time the team put him on the coaching staff. If there is one player who knows about kicking in Hamilton, it's Ozzie. The Ti-Cats did the smart thing by bringing him in to help the kickers. Whichever player wins the training camp battle, be it Luca Congi or Josh Maveety, will have the honour of getting tutored by inarguably the greatest kicker in Tiger-Cat history.

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